EAGLE summer dialogue 2018

Our 2018 EAGLE summer dialogue took place last Friday, 22nd of June and was a great place to meet all students, lectures, staff of the department and quite some external guests from all around Europe. Thanks to our EAGLE organizers and all the external guests coming to Würzburg to enjoy an evening of BBQ. We are also grateful to our guest who spend time with our students discussing future opportunities of internships, MSc thesis or job applications. Quite some business cars were exchanged.

We are very much looking forward to the 2019 EAGLE summer dialogue with probably even more students and guests!


This year, Dr. Rene Colditz from the European Commission joined the EAGLE summer dialogue as keynote to outline his career path from being a student in Würzburg to being a policy offer. Rene studied Geography in Würzburg, continued with his PhD on MODIS land cover classification under the supervision of Stefan Dech before working for CONABIO, Mexico, for nearly 10 years as a remote sensing specialist. Now he works as policy officer at the European Commission, DG CLIMA, C3 Land use and Finance for Innovation in Brussels, Belgium.

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