Internship, inno lab and MSc idea presentations

On Thursday, May 20th, at 2pm the following students will present their internship, inno lab or MSc thesis idea:

Christopher Chan:
“Patching up old Deep Learning code and working with data center remotely” (Internship with DLR, supervisor Benjamin Leutner)

Diego Alarcon:
“Transferability analysis of a machine learning model for vineyard agriculture on the prediction of yield using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 between the years 2016-2020” (Thesis idea, supervisor Thorsten Dahms)

Giovanni Matabishi:
“Twitter data analysis (MIGRAWARE Project)” (Inno Lab with DLR, supervisor Hannes Taubenböck)

Jakob Rieser:
“Publishing an article in an international journal” (Inno Lab, supervisor Sarah Schönbrodt-Stitt)

Jakob Rieser:
“Assessing the effect of droughts on the condition of different crops in Brandenburg using multi-annual remote sensing time series” (Internship with DLR, supervisor Ursula Geßner)

Johannes Mast:
“Development of R packages ImageFusion and rtsVis” (Inno Lab, supervisors Jakob Schwalb-Willmann & Thorsten Dahms)

Kevin Yomi:
“South African Land Degradation Monitoring (SALDI) Project” (Internship with DLR, supervisors Ursula Geßner & Andreas Hirner)

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