welcome of new EAGLE generation

Today we welcomed the new generation of Earth Observation EAGLE students and are happy to see such a diverse and highly motivated group of students again. Students from Nepal, India, Ruanda or Turkey joint our study program among many other countries and already in the first welcome presentations and discussions did we engage in lively discussions about Earth Observation research.
Also the older EAGLE generations welcomed the young EAGLEs and gave a presentation with great insights into their live as an EAGLE student, their studies and new friendships. Great to see such a great group of young scientists and very much looking forward to increase the EAGLE family even more with our 2023 EAGLEs!
Our new EAGLEs will learn from tomorrow morning onward a lot about all kind of EO sensors, spatial programming, applications of EO and much more … especially how to work together and explore new avenues of remote sensing science.

read more news:

Our EAGLE Clara is doing her internship in the Arctic

Our EAGLE Clara is doing her internship in the Arctic

Clara, an 8th gen EAGLE, is currently doing her internship in the Arctic. She spends 2 months in Longyearbyen on Svalbard where she works with colleagues from UNIS who are already collaborating with our EORC scientists, namely Dr. Bevanda. Clara works at the Arctic...

Master Defense: Comparing the suitability of remote sensing and wildlife camera time series for deriving phenological metrics of understory vegetation in temperate forests of Upper Franconia, Bavaria

Master Defense: Comparing the suitability of remote sensing and wildlife camera time series for deriving phenological metrics of understory vegetation in temperate forests of Upper Franconia, Bavaria

On September 18, Sarah Schneider will present her master thesis "Comparing the suitability of remote sensing and wildlife camera time series for deriving phenological metrics of understory vegetation in temperate forests of Upper Franconia, Bavaria" at 14:00 in...

Cooperation with Namib desert Research Institute Gobabeb

Cooperation with Namib desert Research Institute Gobabeb

The Namib desert research station Gobabeb (www.gobabeb.org) is involved in diverse research projects and is hosting various students and researchers from a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities. They are also already involved in remote sensing and very...