EAGLE Courses

Mandatory course

mandatory courses in the 1st and 2nd semester cover basic skills for Earth Observation research

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Overarching Methods and Applications in Earth Observation

the application courses offer a more in-depth study of various Earth Observation applications:

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Fokus Area Environment or Urban Methods and Applications

these courses aim to deepen you knowledge in the Urban or Environment field of Earth Observation:

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Soft Skills

courses to learn about scientific writing, presentation, project management and other topics relevant for Earth Observation research:

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Exemplary course syllabus for different focus areas

some suggestions for optional courses for different focus areas are listed on the EAGLE specialization page

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EAGLE Master Thesis Defense “Linking Wildlife Conservation to Nature’s Contributions to People: A Case Study for the European Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) in German Protected Forests”

EAGLE Master Thesis Defense “Linking Wildlife Conservation to Nature’s Contributions to People: A Case Study for the European Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) in German Protected Forests”

On January 21, 2025, Svenja Dobelmann will defend her master thesis" Linking Wildlife Conservation to Nature’s Contributions to People: A Case Study for the European Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) in German Protected Forests" at 12:00 in seminar room 3,...

EAGLE Daria did her internship in Bergen

EAGLE Daria did her internship in Bergen

Our EAGLE student Daria recently wrapped up an internship at the University of Bergen in the Remote Sensing research group. With the support of her supervisor, Dr. Benjamin Abreu Robson, she got to work on the Jostedalsbreen glacier using drone and satellite data. Her...

EAGLE alumnus Henrik Fisser presenting polar research

EAGLE alumnus Henrik Fisser presenting polar research

Our EAGLE alumnus Henrik Fisser recently visited us after a research stay in the United States. He is now pursuing his PhD at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, specifically in the Earth Observation Department. UiT is renowned for its cutting-edge research in Earth...