EAGLE summer dialogue 2019

Our next EAGLE summer dialogue to bring together all EAGLE students and lecturer, staff of our department and all colleagues from close and far away is slowly approaching.

On June 28th we welcome again everybody to join us for the EAGLE summer event with two keynotes:

  • Sandra Lohberger is talking about “Environmental Monitoring” at RSS GmbH and her personal career path as Postdoc
  • Alfred Schumm, director of science and innovation at WWF, will be talking about “Transparency at Sea – examples of the management of public goods” and usage of Earth Observation.

The keynotes will start at 2pm (ZHSG, room 0.001) and the joint BBQ starts afterwards at around 4pm until late (Oswald-Külpe Weg 86).

Please register until June 21st here: https://forms.gle/fDctHpYgkFyDxBjq9

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