Christian Geiss

risk assessment, natural hazard research


Christian is with the team “Modeling and geostatistical analysis” at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He worked on several topics related to renewable energy, earthquake risk assessment, and methods for remote sensing data processing. His current research interests include techniques of multimodal remote sensing, machine learning, and pattern recognition, specifically applied to the field of natural hazard risk research.


Dr. Christian Geiss, DLR-EOC

Recent News

publication by our EAGLE Ben Lee

publication by our EAGLE Ben Lee

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Internship Report on Tuesday, April 30 at 14:00

Internship Report on Tuesday, April 30 at 14:00

On Tuesday, April 30 Konstantin Müller will present his internship " GDELT News Analysis of the Noto Earthquake via ERNIE" at 14:00 in 01.B.03, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. : From the abstract: The analysis of socioeconomic data has gained increasing importance. The exchange...

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DGPF award for our EAGLE MSc Luisa Wagner

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