Hooman Latifi

remote sensing in forestry research


Hooman Latifi is an assistant professor at the Dept. of remote sensing of the University of Würzburg. He is also the representative of the working group “Ecology and Environment” of the German region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR). His research interests are mainly applied spatial analysis of forest entities (Structure, biodiversity and forest health indicators) by means of airborne (in particular LiDAR) remote sensing. In addition to his research activities, he has been involved in numerous internal and external teaching events on LiDAR remote sensing, open-source image processing software and remote sensing-assisted of forest and environmental management.



News and Updates

please look here for updates on research and projects:


University of Wuerzburg

Dept. of Remote Sensing

email: hooman.latifi@uni-wuerzburg.de

phone: +49 (0)931 31 89638

Recent News

M.Sc. defense of Maninder Singh Dhillon

M.Sc. defense of Maninder Singh Dhillon

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EAGLE welcome 2018

EAGLE welcome 2018

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EAGLE M.Sc. idea presentations

EAGLE M.Sc. idea presentations

On Monday, 24th of September from 1:30 onwards the following EAGLE students will present their M.Sc. idea. Everybody is welcome to join their presentations and to provide feedback: Julia: "Time-Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2...

EAGLE summer dialogue 2018

EAGLE summer dialogue 2018

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EAGLE 2017 students

EAGLE 2017 students

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Winter term 2017 is about to start

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final course presentations

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First EAGLE Midsummer Dialogue

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