Spatial Analysis for Geology



Hartwig Frimmel





Modern exploration for georesources is based on the spatial quantification of all those geological parameters relevant to the formation of mineral deposits. The students will obtain knowledge of the methods that can be applied to the formulation of mineral potential maps for a given region.



Mineral deposits are considered products of complex mineral systems, which can be described by a number of parameters that vary in space and time. Various methods of spatially quantifying these parameters and integrating them into mineral potential maps will be discussed and applied with the help of conventional GIS software.



Coding examples and individual work will be covered


Various software programs will be used, but mainly OpenSource software such as R.


Different techniques will be introduced and practically applied.



The content of scientific with regard to the audience will be discussed.

General Course News and Updates

Internship network fair

Internship network fair

Today, we provided our international Eagle MSc students with access to the professional network of our EORC to assist them in finding suitable internships or MSc thesis topics. Several individuals offered their networks, including Hannes Taubenboeck for georisk and...

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GRASS software for Earth Observation

GRASS software for Earth Observation

In our international EAGLE MSc program, we go beyond the limitations of a single programming language or software environment. Our goal is to empower students to leverage a wide range of scientific tools effectively. They gain insight into the strengths and...

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EAGLES rock(et) the World Space Forum 2024

EAGLES rock(et) the World Space Forum 2024

Laura - 8th gen EAGLE and in the last week of her internship at UN-SPIDER - and Sunniva - 7th gen EAGLE and working as a student assistant at the DLR's space agency - together happen to help organize the World Space Forum (WSF) 2024 in Bonn. Surrounded by...

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EAGLE internship at CIAT in Colombia

EAGLE internship at CIAT in Colombia

Leonie, an 8th generation EAGLE, is currently doing her internship at CIAT (International Center of Tropical Agriculture) in South America, Colombia. She is part of the Multifuncional Landscapes group, which investigates about soil organic carbon sequestration in...

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Blender GIS introduction

Blender GIS introduction

Within out EAGLE Earth Observation M.Sc. we also cover software applications which might not be used on a regular basis within our field of research but are sometimes highly useful to display our spatial data in a visually appealing way - and also potentially provides...

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