In this seminar, we cover most aspects of remote sensing based assessment of Land Surface Dynamics. Topics such as snow cover dynamics, water body dynamics, forest cover and further vegetation dynamics, urbanization dynamics, coastal dynamics, or dynamics of geophysical parameters such as land surface temperature or selected indices will be addressed. In this contexts we look at opportunities arising from optical-, multi-spectral- and radar sensors, as well as thermal imagery. Data availability and access, as well as typical software tools for the handling of multispectral data or time-series analyses will be addressed as well. The course will consist of a theoretical part and a practical part, where the theory consists of a seminar (written seminar and presentation on a topic to be chosen from a list of available topics), and where the practical will consist of data processing examples.
Topics cover most aspects of remote sensing based assessment of Land Surface Dynamics. Topics such as snow cover dynamics, water body dynamics, forest cover and further vegetation dynamics, urbanization dynamics, coastal dynamics, or dynamics of geophysical parameters such as land surface temperature or selected indices will be addressed. We adress questions such as climate change induced shifts of snow or rainy seasons, look at patterns of forest loss and degradation over time, analyze urbanization patterns and impacts of these processes on the natural environment, and assess changes in coastal morphology. Sensors in focus will be the ones allowing for long time series analyses, such as AVHRR, MODIS, ENVISAT, Landsat, TerraSAR-X, and the Sentinel Satellites.
General Course News and Updates
high number of application submitted for 2021
The application deadline for the 2021 EAGLE generation passed yesterday and 230 application were submitted. That are 80 more than last year. Check out who started in the 2020 EAGLE generation here. We are now going through each single one and check for general...
EAGLE 2021 application deadline approaching
the application deadline for our international Earth Observation M.Sc. program EAGLE is slowly approaching. Apply before May 15th to be reviewed and potentially interviewed for a place in the 2021 EAGLE group. Check out our courses, our lecturer and most important...
Internship, inno lab and MSc idea presentations
On Thursday, May 20th, at 2pm the following students will present their internship, inno lab or MSc thesis idea: Christopher Chan:“Patching up old Deep Learning code and working with data center remotely” (Internship with DLR, supervisor Benjamin Leutner) Diego...
inno lab and MSc idea presentation
Next Tuesday, April 27th, at 10am the following EAGLE students will present their Innovation Laboratory work and their MSc thesis idea: Sandro Groth: "PortalAdminTools: A Python-based programming interface for Esri Enterprise infrastructures" (InnoLab with ESRI)Sandro...
internship and MSc idea presentation
on Tuesday April 6th 3pm we will have the folling internship and MSc idea presentations: Joy-Giovanni Matabishi, " MESMA of DESIS data to identify Rooftops in Kigali"- Internship/EKUT Luisa Pflumm, "Comparison of the performance of different accessibility layers for...
internship presentations
On Monday March 1st at 10am the following internships will be presented: Marius Witt, Baby it's cold outside - Interning at DLRs Polar Team, internship at DLR. Jakob Wachter, Potential use cases of a self established database for social media data, internship at...
Great Earth Observation presentations despite distance learning
Despite the online courses we learned and managed to deliver great presentations on remote sensing data analysis in our courses and also improved our virtual presentation skills which might also partially be valuable in future conference or workshop presentations.
Our EAGLE students with UAV and field work jackets
Our EAGLE students preparing our UAVs with thermal, multispectral and Lidar sensors for the upcoming field work season. Also wearing our new field work jackets so that we all are easily recognizable as Earth Observation researchers.
MSc thesis defense by Patrick Sogno
On Monday, 25th of January at 10 a.m., Patrick Sogno will present his M.Sc. thesis "Earth Observation for Exposome Mapping – Proof of Concept and Case Study in Augsburg, Germany". from the abstract: "Non-communicable diseases – NCDs – (asthma, cancer, or diabetes, for...
internship and inno lab presentations
On Wednesday, 27th of February at 2pm we will have the first set of internship and innovation laboratory presentations in 2021: Yan Chak Christopher Chan: Start-up life and Deep Learning (Internship) Nils Karges: Noise and its relation to urban structural types...