In this seminar, we cover most aspects of remote sensing based assessment of Land Surface Dynamics. Topics such as snow cover dynamics, water body dynamics, forest cover and further vegetation dynamics, urbanization dynamics, coastal dynamics, or dynamics of geophysical parameters such as land surface temperature or selected indices will be addressed. In this contexts we look at opportunities arising from optical-, multi-spectral- and radar sensors, as well as thermal imagery. Data availability and access, as well as typical software tools for the handling of multispectral data or time-series analyses will be addressed as well. The course will consist of a theoretical part and a practical part, where the theory consists of a seminar (written seminar and presentation on a topic to be chosen from a list of available topics), and where the practical will consist of data processing examples.
Topics cover most aspects of remote sensing based assessment of Land Surface Dynamics. Topics such as snow cover dynamics, water body dynamics, forest cover and further vegetation dynamics, urbanization dynamics, coastal dynamics, or dynamics of geophysical parameters such as land surface temperature or selected indices will be addressed. We adress questions such as climate change induced shifts of snow or rainy seasons, look at patterns of forest loss and degradation over time, analyze urbanization patterns and impacts of these processes on the natural environment, and assess changes in coastal morphology. Sensors in focus will be the ones allowing for long time series analyses, such as AVHRR, MODIS, ENVISAT, Landsat, TerraSAR-X, and the Sentinel Satellites.
General Course News and Updates
Our 2019 EAGLEs visited the DLR-EOC and learned a lot about current earth observation research at DLR. Many talks as well as discussions with PhD, Postdocs and teamleaders were organized by Prof. Claudia Kuenzer, head of the landsurface department and professor in...
Short Presentation on UAV and LiDAR
This Friday at 12am we will have two brief presentations by colleagues from the Max-Planck-Insitute and University Göttingen in room 1.009 OKW 86, right after the student presentations: Dr. Anne Scharf (MPI-AB) "The need for a closer look: how drones could fill in the...
M.Sc. defense by Marius Philipp on Nov. 22nd
Marius Philipp is going to defend his M.Sc. thesis on November 22nd at 10 am in room 1.009 (OKW86). The title of his thesis is "Potential of harmonic analysis using remote sensing data for studying the effects of climate change induced weather extreme events on forest...
MSc idea and internship presentations
On Friday, 8th of November, from 10-12am the following presentation will take place in room 01.009, OKW 86: Michael Wang:"Deriving Surface Heat Island Intensities for TraK and CURE" - internship and thesis idea presentation Patrick Sogno:"The Hitchhikers Guide to an...
M.Sc. idea presentations and internship presentation
On Friday 25th of October several EAGLEs will present their M.Sc. thesis ideas and report back from an internship experience. It will take place at 10am in room 1.009, OKW 86. Katrin Hasenbein (MSc idea): "The potential of time-series data to improve fine scale...
M.Sc. idea presentation by Salim Soltani
Salim Soltani will present his M.Sc. idea ""Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Urbanization caused by the Belt-and-Road Initiative" on October 23rd at 10:30 in 1.009 OKW 86.
Welcome of the 2019 EAGLEs
On Monday, 14th of October, at 4 p.m., we will again welcome a new generation of EAGLEs (Z6, 01.002). After the official welcome and some introductory presentations, we will also introduce the lecturer and provide first details about the upcoming semester(s)....
Internship and InnoLab presentations
On Monday, 14th of October, at 5pm in room ZHSG 01.002, after the welcome of the new EAGLEs we will have the following internship and Innovation Laboratory presentations: Pawel Kluter (Internship): "Remote Sensing in the Federal Criminal Police Office" Pawel Kluter...
M.Sc. presentation by Johni Miah
Johni Miah will present his M.Sc. thesis " Detecting and Assessing Ground Subsidence of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data of Sentinel-1" on September 30th at 2pm in OKW 86. From the abstract: " The identification and measurement of ground...
Several Successful M.Sc. defenses
Several of our EAGLE students successfully defended their M.Sc. thesis in the past month. We congratulate all of them and especially wish the ones who already started their own Earth Observation company all the best!