In this seminar, we cover most aspects of remote sensing based assessment of Land Surface Dynamics. Topics such as snow cover dynamics, water body dynamics, forest cover and further vegetation dynamics, urbanization dynamics, coastal dynamics, or dynamics of geophysical parameters such as land surface temperature or selected indices will be addressed. In this contexts we look at opportunities arising from optical-, multi-spectral- and radar sensors, as well as thermal imagery. Data availability and access, as well as typical software tools for the handling of multispectral data or time-series analyses will be addressed as well. The course will consist of a theoretical part and a practical part, where the theory consists of a seminar (written seminar and presentation on a topic to be chosen from a list of available topics), and where the practical will consist of data processing examples.
Topics cover most aspects of remote sensing based assessment of Land Surface Dynamics. Topics such as snow cover dynamics, water body dynamics, forest cover and further vegetation dynamics, urbanization dynamics, coastal dynamics, or dynamics of geophysical parameters such as land surface temperature or selected indices will be addressed. We adress questions such as climate change induced shifts of snow or rainy seasons, look at patterns of forest loss and degradation over time, analyze urbanization patterns and impacts of these processes on the natural environment, and assess changes in coastal morphology. Sensors in focus will be the ones allowing for long time series analyses, such as AVHRR, MODIS, ENVISAT, Landsat, TerraSAR-X, and the Sentinel Satellites.
General Course News and Updates
Interdisciplinary course in the Bavarian Forest
The Bavarian Forest and the Bohemian Forest together form the largest contiguous forest area in central Europe, which is of an extraordinary importance for the protection and maintenance of biological diversity. Since 1970, a large area of the forest is protected as a...
One week courses on hyperspectral and time-series analysis
In the past few weeks various block courses by colleagues from DLR have taken place. Divers topics how remote sensing can be used, which methods have to be applied and how to put it into practice were covered by our colleagues Hannes Taubenböck, Martin Bachmann and...
Urban Geography Course by Hannes Taubenböck
Hannes Taubenböck from DLR discussed with our EAGLE students the application of remote sensing applications within urban research.
Scientific Presentation of Earth Observation Applications
As every term our students could participated in a scientific presentation course where they learned how to prepare, design and defend a scientific talk. Beside the theoretical part many practical exercises were part of this course and a final presentation in a large...
EAGLE excursion to DLR-EOC
Our 2017 EAGLEs spend a great day at DLR-EOC close to Munich and learnt a lot about applied remote sensing. Beside talks about a variety of topics did the EAGLE students also have the chance to discuss in small groups with DLR scientists their research or...
EAGLE 2017 students
Our new EAGLEs arrived and started their M.Sc. on Applied Earth Observation. During the official welcome all new students were introduced to the lecturer and the EAGLE students board. A joint dinner allowed to get to know everybody and address a...
Winter term 2017 is about to start
While the "old" EAGLEs are spending their 3rd term doing internships or innovation laboratories in Italy, Portugal, Poland or Burkina Faso at various research organizations or companies, the new EAGLEs for the winter term 2017/2018 will be welcomed next week. The...
Remote Sensing in Ecology
The EAGLE course "Remote Sensing in Biodiversity and Conservation Science" took place in the last week of the summer term at the field research station in Fabrik Schleichach, Steigerwald. 20 biology and EAGLE students worked and lived together for one week and...
final course presentations
Our EAGLE students had to present their work as posters, reports or oral presentations at the end of the summer term and could show impressive achievements and results of small research projects.Some impressions of their oral and poster presentations can...
First EAGLE Midsummer Dialogue
Beside participants from the University of Wuerzburg and the DLR, also many colleagues from companies and a variety of national and international research institutions joined this event. The midsummer dialogue was organized by the EAGLE students. The students were...