Soil and Vegetation RADAR analysis


Nima Ahmadian





The participants will get familiar with the methological skills and processing chain for the analysis of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) and Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (PolInSAR) data.



The module encompasses the following practical topics:

  • Processing of sentinel-1 radar SLC and GRD data for retrieving the biophysical parameters of different crop types and soil.
  • Processing of quad pol (full polarization) of RADARSAT2 satellite data and AIRSAR full polarimetric photogrammetric data acquired by airplane to get familiar with the decomposition concept.
  • Processing of Tandem-X bistatic mode to retrieve the forest height and biomass.


General Course News and Updates

MSc defense of Basil Tufail

MSc defense of Basil Tufail

Basil Tufail will present his M.Sc. thesis "Monitoring the Displacement of an Active Tailings Dam in Peru using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PS-InSAR)" on Friday, June 18th, at 9am. From the abstract: "As mining activities and the number of tailings dam grow...

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Review of applications

Review of applications

Dear all applicants in 2021, we are currently working through the first evaluation of all 230 applications and will send out invitations for interviews in the next days/weeks. Unfortunately we are a bit delayed due to the high number of applications and we want to...

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MSc thesis defense by Johannes Mast

MSc thesis defense by Johannes Mast

Johannes Mast will present his thesis "Analyzing the relationship between urban morphology and economic subcenters with a focus on urban polycentricity using remote sensing and socioeconomic data" on Monday 14th of June at 9am. From the abstract: "Polycentricity...

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inno lab and MSc idea presentation

inno lab and MSc idea presentation

Next Tuesday, April 27th, at 10am the following EAGLE students will present their Innovation Laboratory work and their MSc thesis idea: Sandro Groth: "PortalAdminTools: A Python-based programming interface for Esri Enterprise infrastructures" (InnoLab with ESRI)Sandro...

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internship and MSc idea presentation

internship and MSc idea presentation

on Tuesday April 6th 3pm we will have the folling internship and MSc idea presentations: Joy-Giovanni Matabishi, " MESMA of DESIS data to identify Rooftops in Kigali"- Internship/EKUT Luisa Pflumm, "Comparison of the performance of different accessibility layers for...

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internship presentations

internship presentations

On Monday March 1st at 10am the following internships will be presented:  Marius Witt, Baby it's cold outside - Interning at DLRs Polar Team, internship at DLR. Jakob Wachter, Potential use cases of a self established database for social media data, internship at...

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