Soil and Vegetation RADAR analysis


Nima Ahmadian





The participants will get familiar with the methological skills and processing chain for the analysis of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) and Polarimetric SAR Interferometry (PolInSAR) data.



The module encompasses the following practical topics:

  • Processing of sentinel-1 radar SLC and GRD data for retrieving the biophysical parameters of different crop types and soil.
  • Processing of quad pol (full polarization) of RADARSAT2 satellite data and AIRSAR full polarimetric photogrammetric data acquired by airplane to get familiar with the decomposition concept.
  • Processing of Tandem-X bistatic mode to retrieve the forest height and biomass.


General Course News and Updates

MSc defense by Sebastian Buchelt

MSc defense by Sebastian Buchelt

Sebastian Buchelt will present his M.Sc. thesis "Analysis of High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Snowmelt using Orthorectified Photo Cameras, Sentinel-1 Time Series and Digital Elevation Data" in a virtual course room. From the abstract: " Snow is one of the...

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MSc defense by Silvan Steiner

MSc defense by Silvan Steiner

On Thursday at 10am Silvan Steiner will present his M.Sc. thesis "Assessing the Potential of a Land Cover Dependent Snow Cover Detection Algorithm for the Global SnowPack". Due to the Covid19 situation his defense will be in a virtual course room. Everybody is invited...

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Covid-19 situation and EAGLE

Covid-19 situation and EAGLE

The Covid-19 situation is also challenging for the University as well as the EAGLE program. Even though we are all in the process to adapt to this new situation, the program itself is continuing as usual. All courses, exams, MSc thesis defense and so on will take...

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M.Sc. defense by Benjamin Lee

M.Sc. defense by Benjamin Lee

Benjamin will defend his M.Sc. thesis " DEVELOPMENT OF A SEMI-ANALYTICAL MODEL FOR SEAGRASS MAPPING USING CLOUD-BASED COMPUTING AND OPEN SOURCED OPTICAL SATELLITE DATA" on Friday March 6th 10 am in room 1.009 OKW 86. from the abstract: "Seagrasses provide USD$2.28...

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EAGLE wall of fame – our graduates

EAGLE wall of fame – our graduates

All our graduated EAGLE students are shown on our wall-of-fame. Great way to see who studied when and what was the topic about. Some of them are already doing their PhD with us or other research organizations and two of these graduates just founded their own remote...

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M.Sc. defense by Anna Orthofer

M.Sc. defense by Anna Orthofer

Anna Orthofer will present her M.Sc. thesis on Friday 7th of February at 10 am in room 1.009 OKW 86. Her M.Sc. was about "Deriving Leaf Area Index and mowing dates for grasslands based on the radiative transfer model SLC and Sentinel 2 data." More details from the...

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