Aim of this course is to provide you with an overview on geographic processes of urbanization, the related demographic and structural changes of cities, and data analyses methods using remote sensing data for applications in urban geography.
Humankind is within its largest migration ever: from rural areas into cities. The drivers of this global process of urbanization from demographic to economic and the related structural changes cities are facing will be discussed in this course. Remote sensing is one crucial data source in this dynamic transformation and its products are highly relevant for urban planning, as well as environmental management. Within this course different approaches and techniques are covered focusing on deriving relevant information about urbanized areas on different levels of detail. Uni-temporal-, multi-temporal-, and time series based image classification, segmentation, the analyses of point patterns, GIS analyses to assess spatial context and dependencies, as well as analyses in the 3D domain will be addressed in this course. This will be done providing and discussing example applications from different regions globally (e.g. urban sprawl analysis of megacities, the development of new dimensions of urban landscapes such as mega-regions, the rearrangement of business districts within the urban landscape, etc.). You will learn what capabilities Earth observation data, methods and products have for urban research and applications and how to design remote sensing based urban analysis, how to avoid caveats, troubleshoot errors and interpret the results.
General Course News and Updates
Cooperation with Namib desert Research Institute Gobabeb
The Namib desert research station Gobabeb ( is involved in diverse research projects and is hosting various students and researchers from a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities. They are also already involved in remote sensing and very...
Innolab Presentation: Enhancing Satellite Data Processing for Global Shallow Water Bathymetry at EOMAP
On September 10, 2024, Isabella Metz will present her Inno Lab results on " Enhancing Satellite Data Processing for Global Shallow Water Bathymetry at EOMAP" at 12:00 in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract: About 75% of the oceans have not yet been...
Internship Presentation: Application of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data: Case study in flood mapping in Costa Rica and technical capacity building of the PRIAS team
On October 01, 2024, Ariana Sofía Argüello Cordero will present her internship " Application of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data: Case study in flood mapping in Costa Rica and technical capacity building of the PRIAS team" at 12:00 in seminar room 3,...
Internship Presentation: Small-scale 3D model generation by photogrammetry of alpine vegetation in Berchtesgaden National Park
On Tuesday, August 20, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Daniel Gruschwitz will present his internship "Small-scale 3D model generation by photogrammetry of alpine vegetation in Berchtesgaden National Park" in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract: Nature in...
EAGLE summer dialogue
Our annual EAGLE summer dialogue was a great success again even though the weather was quite challenging. The EAGLEs organized a fantastic event with fun activities, great images reviving the last months and years and of course a BBQ, drinks and an outstanding...
new publication by our EAGLE student Clara Vydra
Our EAGLE student Clara just published an article about snow cover variability in Central Asia - great to see our young EAGLE MSc students being on a good track for their scientific career. from the abstract: "Climate change is affecting the snow cover conditions on a...
UAS team – meme
The UAS (UAV or drone) team was quite busy the last months to collect data in Europe, Africa or Arctic and the group spend plenty of hours traveling and collecting Lidar, multispectral, thermal or hyperspectral data in various ecosystems. Of course in many cases faced...
scientific graphics course
Beside the various remote sensing courses such as radar, cloud computing, terrain analysis, urban analysis etc. we do also offer courses on softskills such as scientific writing, presentations as well scientific graphics and maps. Within our scientific graphics course...
EAGLE students introduce locust spatio-temporal modeling
Our EAGLE students Leonie, Sonja and Clara presented methods to model the spatial and temporal distribution of locust in France using statistical modelling approaches within R and the flexSDM package. The elaborated for two hours how the complex data preparation,...
Internship Presentation: Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis on July 09, 2024
On Tuesday, July 09, Subarno Shankar will present his internship " Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis " at 12:00 in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract: Climate...