by EAGLE Team | Mar 31, 2021 | announcement
on Tuesday April 6th 3pm we will have the folling internship and MSc idea presentations: Joy-Giovanni Matabishi, ” MESMA of DESIS data to identify Rooftops in Kigali”- Internship/EKUT Luisa Pflumm, “Comparison of the performance of different...
by EAGLE Team | Feb 4, 2021 | announcement
Despite the online courses we learned and managed to deliver great presentations on remote sensing data analysis in our courses and also improved our virtual presentation skills which might also partially be valuable in future conference or workshop...
by EAGLE Team | Jan 18, 2021 | announcement
Our EAGLE students preparing our UAVs with thermal, multispectral and Lidar sensors for the upcoming field work season. Also wearing our new field work jackets so that we all are easily recognizable as Earth Observation...
by EAGLE Team | Jan 12, 2021 | announcement
On Monday, 25th of January at 10 a.m., Patrick Sogno will present his M.Sc. thesis “Earth Observation for Exposome Mapping – Proof of Concept and Case Study in Augsburg, Germany”. from the abstract: “Non-communicable diseases – NCDs – (asthma,...
by EAGLE Team | Dec 15, 2020 | announcement
On Monday 21st of December at 10am we will have the following presentations: Camilo (Internship)”Forest cover change between 2000 and 2020 in El Chaco ecoregion, Paraguay” at DLR Johannes Mast (Thesis Idea):”Measuring Urban Polycentricity...
by EAGLE Team | Dec 14, 2020 | announcement
Our EAGLE wall of fame is being continuously extended by pictures of our new graduates and the group pictures of our EAGLE cohortes. Great to see their pictures on our wall and following their career past the EAGLE M.Sc.. Very interesting positions from companies to...