MSc defense by Aiga Taghavi

MSc defense by Aiga Taghavi

Aida Taghavi will present her M.Sc. thesis “Potentials of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probes for Assessing and Mapping SAR-based Soil Moisture in a Mediterranean agro-forestry ecosystem” on Dec. 15th at 1pm. From her abstract: “Accurate near-surface soil...
Our EAGLE 2020 generation

Our EAGLE 2020 generation

Our new EAGLE Earth Observation students arrived and we took a group picture while keeping the required distance due to the current situation. Unfortunately not all students could arrive on time for the group picture and hence cannot be seen on the image below. We are...
New EAGLE stickers arrived

New EAGLE stickers arrived

Just in time for the welcome of the new EAGLEs we received our new EAGLE stickers. They are a first trial of irregular shaped stickers and more will come. The fit nicely with our “old” PixelschubserIn sticker (pixel pusher) and more formal “Remote...