by EAGLE Team | Sep 8, 2020 | announcement
Michael Wang will present his thesis “Comparison of Surface Urban Heat Islands Using the World Settlement Footprint Imperviousness Layer” on Sept. 17th at 10am. From the abstract: “In the growing field of surface urban heat island (SUHI) analysis,...
by EAGLE Team | Sep 8, 2020 | announcement
Fowad Ahmed will present his M.Sc. thesis “Agricultural landscape Configuration and Pattern Analysis with VHR Imagery in Bavaria” on Friday 11th at 11am. from the abstract: “Hedgerows and woody linear features are an integral part of the landscapes...
by EAGLE Team | Aug 5, 2020 | announcement
we are finally through all 140 interviews of eligible EAGLE applications. We had again very good and highly suitable candiates and in total 25 applicants passed the interviews and are accepted to the EAGLE program. Our new EAGLEs are from various countries (15...
by EAGLE Team | Jul 28, 2020 | announcement, MSc thesis, ullmann
Felix Glasman will defend his M.Sc. thesis “The FireBIRD Mission: Potential for the Detection of Gasflaring” on Thursday 30th of July at 11am. From his abstract: “The controversial but widespread process of gas flaring has received growing attention...
by EAGLE Team | Jul 1, 2020 | announcement
Congratulations to Henrik Fisser, whose Sentinel-2 analysis on truck detection has been awarded the first prize for the European Data Cube COVID-19 contest! He uses the reflectance patterns of long moving vehicles in Sentinel-2 images. Please see the ESA webpage for...
by EAGLE Team | May 25, 2020 | announcement, innovation laboratories, internships
We received again a high number of very good applicants and are currently working through all application files. We will invite all eligible applicants in the next weeks for an interview. In total we received 137 eligible applications from the EU as well as North and...