EAGLE welcome 2018

EAGLE welcome 2018

Our new EAGLEs arrived! We welcomed our new international EAGLE students from the US, Ecuador, Bangladesh, Ruanda or Germany for the upcoming winter term and introduced the lectures as well as the courses. In the evening we had a joint dinner to get to know each...
EAGLE M.Sc. idea presentations

EAGLE M.Sc. idea presentations

On Monday, 24th of September from 1:30 onwards the following EAGLE students will present their M.Sc. idea. Everybody is welcome to join their presentations and to provide feedback: Julia: “Time-Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Detection...
EAGLE summer dialogue 2018

EAGLE summer dialogue 2018

Our 2018 EAGLE summer dialogue took place last Friday, 22nd of June and was a great place to meet all students, lectures, staff of the department and quite some external guests from all around Europe. Thanks to our EAGLE organizers and all the external guests coming...
EAGLE 2017 students

EAGLE 2017 students

  Our new EAGLEs arrived and started their M.Sc. on Applied Earth Observation. During the official welcome all new students were introduced to the lecturer and the EAGLE students board. A joint dinner allowed to get to know everybody and address a variety of open...