by EAGLE Team | Dec 20, 2023 | news
After a bit more than 2 months of intense Earth Observation courses and lots of studying of radar, cloud computing, r and python programming and much more the EAGLEs are celebrating the end of the year and two weeks break before the second part of the winter terms...
by EAGLE Team | Dec 12, 2023 | news
Today 5 of our EAGLE students presented their work in the past months in the Arctic using remote sensing data, space-borne and UAS, for ecological and conservation applications. Beside their very impressive scientific results did they also report on their general life...
by EAGLE Team | Dec 8, 2023 | news
As part of the lecture by Claudia Künzer all EAGLEs of her course also visit the Earth Observation Center of DLR in Oberfpaffenhofen and listen to various talks by remote sensing scientists working in Oberpfaffenhofen: Patrick Sogno, an EAGLE alumni and also PhD...
by EAGLE Team | Nov 24, 2023 | news
One of our EAGLE lecturer; Dr. Doris Klein, is not only teaching remote sensing to our international EAGLE students but also to future astronauts! Great to see that earth observation is also trained within other disciplines than our own specific remote sensing MSc....
by EAGLE Team | Nov 15, 2023 | news
our EAGLE student Konstantin Müller created a QGIS plugin and a corresponding R package for easy point density vizualisation. Create way to learn how to build QGIS plugins and R package for spatial analysis. QGIS plugin: The Bestagon QGIS plugin allows easy density...
by EAGLE Team | Oct 31, 2023 | news
Giovanni presented his MSc thesis “Modelling Bat Distribution and Diversity with Artificial light as a Focal Predictor in South Tyrol” today within our EAGLE colloquium and passed successfully. He presented very interesting approaches of remote sensing for modelling...