by EAGLE Team | Sep 25, 2023 | news
Our EAGLE M.Sc. student Konstantin together with our EOR cluster professor and EAGLE lecturer Hannes Taubenböck published an article about the capabilities of deep neural network regression for digital surface model generation with Sentinel-2 Imagery. Konstantin...
by EAGLE Team | Jul 26, 2023 | news
one of our very first EAGLE M.Sc. students Maninder Dhillon successfully defended his PhD! Congratulations by the whole EAGLE program and of course all EAGLE students – many of the young and older students joined his presentation and listened to his topic of...
by EAGLE Team | Jul 5, 2023 | news
Luisa will defend her M.Sc. thesis “Using remote sensing to enhance conservation decision-making: The case of the little-known silver-backed chevrotain” this Friday at 10am in the meeting room John Skilton 4a. From her abstract: “Southeast Asia is a...
by EAGLE Team | Jul 3, 2023 | news
From the 26th to the 28th of June, the fourth symposium on Applied Satellite Earth Observation, organized by the DLR took place in Bonn and some of the current EAGLE generation did not miss the opportunity to make a fun trip to the former capital of Germany. From...
by EAGLE Team | Dec 9, 2022 | news
After a long break due to covid we resumed the EAGLE visit of DLR EOC. Many EAGLEs from the current generation and quite some of the past (covid) generations joined this event and listened to many talks by DLR researchers. Some of the presenters were even former...
by EAGLE Team | Dec 9, 2022 | news
Last week we spend a few hours in the boulder hall to enjoy a day without courses, do some climbing and have plenty of time to chat. Many EAGLEs from the current and old generations joint us as well as many lecturer. Beside the social event we also collected Lidar...