EAGLE excursion to DLR-EOC

EAGLE excursion to DLR-EOC

Our 2017 EAGLEs spend a great day at DLR-EOC close to Munich and learnt a lot about applied remote sensing. Beside talks about a variety of topics did the EAGLE students also have the chance to discuss in small groups with DLR scientists their research or...
EAGLE 2017 students

EAGLE 2017 students

  Our new EAGLEs arrived and started their M.Sc. on Applied Earth Observation. During the official welcome all new students were introduced to the lecturer and the EAGLE students board. A joint dinner allowed to get to know everybody and address a variety of open...
Winter term 2017 is about to start

Winter term 2017 is about to start

While the “old” EAGLEs are spending their 3rd term doing internships or innovation laboratories in Italy, Portugal, Poland or Burkina Faso at various research organizations or companies, the new EAGLEs for the winter term 2017/2018 will be welcomed next...