EAGLE students visit DLR-EOC

EAGLE students visit DLR-EOC

Our EAGLE 2016 students visited the DLR-EOC last Friday and got a very good overview of the work done by the scientists at DLR. Many different topics were covered and nearly all applications of applied earth observation research done at DLR-EOC were presented.  ...
EAGLE news on DLR website

EAGLE news on DLR website

Our young EAGLEs are covered by the DLR news section! The news article covers the background of the EAGLE M.Sc. program and welcomes our new students. Great to see that our colleagues at DLR are looking forward to meet the new EAGLEs and are eager to have them as...
The 2016 EAGLEs

The 2016 EAGLEs

Our EAGLEs in 2016: Johannes Löw. Sarah Nolting, Marcus Groll, Bharath Selvaraj, Sebastian Roersch, Ahmed Saadallah, Marina Reiter, Pilar Endara Pinillos, Sazu Shahjahan, Ahmed Fowad, Jakob Schwalb-Willmann, Julia Sauerbrey, Louis Freytag, Karten Wiertz, Kamrul Islam...
EAGLE 2016 welcome

EAGLE 2016 welcome

On Monday 17th of October we welcomed our new EAGLE students. The EAGLEs in 2016 are from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Columbia, Egypt, India, Iran, Pakistan, Sweden and Germany. After the official welcome by all lecturer and the study program coordinator Christopher...