EAGLE Courses

Mandatory course

mandatory courses in the 1st and 2nd semester cover basic skills for Earth Observation research

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Applications of Earth Observation

the application courses offer a more in-depth study of various Earth Observation applications:

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Advanced Methods and Modeling

these courses aim to deepen you knowledge in methods for the application of Earth Observation:

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Resource and Environment

courses to learn about Resources and Environment in Environmental Research

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Soft Skills

courses to learn about scientific writing, presentation, project management and other topics relevant for Earth Observation research:

Exemplary course syllabus for different focus areas

some suggestions for optional courses for different focus areas are listed on the EAGLE specialization page

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scientific graphics course

scientific graphics course

Beside the various remote sensing courses such as radar, cloud computing, terrain analysis, urban analysis etc. we do also offer courses on softskills such as scientific writing, presentations as well scientific graphics and maps. Within our scientific graphics course...

EAGLE students introduce locust spatio-temporal modeling

EAGLE students introduce locust spatio-temporal modeling

Our EAGLE students Leonie, Sonja and Clara presented methods to model the spatial and temporal distribution of locust in France using statistical modelling approaches within R and the flexSDM package. The elaborated for two hours how the complex data preparation,...

Spatial Earth Observation R packages by our EAGLEs

Spatial Earth Observation R packages by our EAGLEs

Our EAGLE students that took and passed our Introduction to spatial programming course had to submit an R package that applies spatial methods for a variety of Earth Observation data. We are very proud to show the huge diversity of very interesting and useful R...