high number of application submitted for 2021

The application deadline for the 2021 EAGLE generation passed yesterday and 230 application were submitted. That are 80 more than last year. Check out who started in the 2020 EAGLE generation here. We are now going through each single one and check for general eligibility before they are invited for an interview. Interview invitation should be send out in roughly 2 weeks and the first interviews should take place in June. We are looking forward to interview the next generation of our Earth Observation EAGLE students.

Out of the 230 applicants we have 50 female applicants and the applications are from 45 different countries. We will also update our graph and stats soon on applicants vs. accepted ones split by gender and nationality. But check out the EAGLE student webpage to see who got accepted, for example last year mainly female students started the EAGLE M.Sc. program despite the large amount of male applicants.

addendum: we worked a bit on further graphs on submitted vs. submitted and started numbers:

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Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

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