The following students will present next Tuesday (26th) at 2pm in room 0.004 their internships or innovation labs:
Itohan-osa Abu (internship):
Mangrove Mapping with TimeScan Data for Nigeria and an Analysis in Context of Coastal Gas Flaring
Salim Soltani (internship):
Comparative study of Snow Classification Accuracy using optical satellite data with different spatial resolution (MODIS, Landsat, Sentinel, Spot-V)
Sebastian Buchelt (innovation lab):
Processing & Validation of State-of-Art Snow Cover Extent Algorithms using Landsat 5/7/8 Time Series
Marlene and Anna did their internship with Nature Seychelles
In a collaboration that highlights the intersection of technology and ecological preservation, Marlene Bauer and Anna Bischof, EAGLE M.Sc. students in Earth Observation, have engaged in a significant internship with Nature Seychelles. Their tenure on the scenic island...