internship and MSc idea presentation

on Tuesday April 6th 3pm we will have the folling internship and MSc idea presentations:

  • Joy-Giovanni Matabishi, ” MESMA of DESIS data to identify Rooftops in Kigali”– Internship/EKUT
  • Luisa Pflumm, “Comparison of the performance of different accessibility layers for modeling species and snare occupancies in the  central annamities landscape”– Internship/IZW
  • Christabel Ansah, “Assessing the Environmental Impact of Oil in the Niger Delta, Nigeria.” – Thesis idea

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Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Within the EAGLE M.Sc. program our Earth Observation students have managed to understand some important research approaches within just the first term of their studies. Integrating and working with several environments simultaneously is a critical tasks for their...