internship presentation by Henrik Fisser and Ronja Lappe

On Friday 24th of January at 10 am in room 1.009 OKW 86 the following two internship presentation will take place:

Henrik Fisser: “Into the Uncertain – Noise Quantification of Sentinel-2 Water Signal in Dependence of Atmospheric Correction Methods”
and some details about the SNAP Processor Development. The internship has been done with Brockmann Consult GmbH, Hamburg

Ronja Lappe: “Supporting disaster management form space – development of an automatic flood mapping and damage assessment tool in Google Earth Engine” (UN-SPIDER, Bonn)

read more news:

Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Within the EAGLE M.Sc. program our Earth Observation students have managed to understand some important research approaches within just the first term of their studies. Integrating and working with several environments simultaneously is a critical tasks for their...