internship presentations

On Monday March 1st at 10am the following internships will be presented:

  •  Marius Witt, Baby it’s cold outside – Interning at DLRs Polar Team, internship at DLR.
  • Jakob Wachter, Potential use cases of a self established database for social media data, internship at EURAC
  • Kemeng Liu, First experiences with application of deep learning on earth observation data, internship at GFZ Potsdam
  • Antonio Castaneda, Monitoring UNCCD restoration projects impacts with remote sensing, internship at DLR

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Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

Within the EAGLE M.Sc. program our Earth Observation students have managed to understand some important research approaches within just the first term of their studies. Integrating and working with several environments simultaneously is a critical tasks for their...

Empowering Future Earth Observation Experts! 🌍

Empowering Future Earth Observation Experts! 🌍

At EAGLE, our Earth Observation students are diving deep into the fascinating world of geospatial analysis! Through hands-on training, they master cutting-edge algorithms and techniques to address pressing environmental challenges such as Georisk Assessment:...