Christian is with the team “Modeling and geostatistical analysis” at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He worked on several topics related to renewable energy, earthquake risk assessment, and methods for remote sensing data processing. His current research interests include techniques of multimodal remote sensing, machine learning, and pattern recognition, specifically applied to the field of natural hazard risk research.

Dr. Christian Geiss, DLR-EOC
Recent News
MSc defense by Vanessa Rittlinger
On Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Vanessa Rittllinger will present her master thesis on “Detection of landslides in space and time using optical remote sensing data – A case study in South Tyrol” in the conference room 01.B.03 in John-Skilton-Str. 4a/1st...
After a long break due to covid we resumed the EAGLE visit of DLR EOC. Many EAGLEs from the current generation and quite some of the past (covid) generations joined this event and listened to many talks by DLR researchers. Some of the presenters were even former...
Social event in the boulder gym
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New EAGLE Earth Observation professors
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MSc defense by Antonio Castaneda
On Friday, 1st of July at 9am Antonio will present his M.Sc. thesis "Potential and limits of using UAS in forest monitoring". From the abstract: "The exponential development, usage, and application of uncrewed area systems (UAS) have given remote scientists a clear...
EAGLE application in 2022
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EAGLE application deadline 2022
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MSc defense Nils Karges
Nils Karges will present his M.Sc. thesis "Exploring spatial relationships of soundscape variables in urban areas. " on 15th of February at 9:30. From the abstract: "This work describes the relationship between soundscape and the underlying landscape in an urban...