Doris Klein

phenology, agriculture & water remote sensing


Dr. Doris Klein is scientific advisor at the German Remote Sensing Data Centre (DFD) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) since 2011. She received her PhD at Bonn University in 2008 and worked as PostDoc at the University of Würzburg, leading the team ‘Land surface parameters’ at the Department of Remote Sensing of the Institute for Geology and Geography. She is specialized in remote sensing with a focus on vegetation parameters, vegetation dynamics and land degradation in the context of global change and climatic change. Geographically her focus is on Eastern and Southern Africa as well as central Asia and Germany. Additionally Doris is working as scientific coordinator of the FireBIRD Mission and has a special interest in the new scientific opportunities which open up due to the multitude of Copernicus Sentinel data.



  • excursion to the DLR-DFD
  • supervision of internships and MSc thesis



Recent News

textbooks on remote sensing

textbooks on remote sensing

Our already published textbook on "Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists - using Open Source software" was very well perceived and we got very positive feedback. However, either an introduction or more advanced methods and data was asked for as well. Hence, we decided...

EAGLE summer dialogue 2019

EAGLE summer dialogue 2019

Our next EAGLE summer dialogue to bring together all EAGLE students and lecturer, staff of our department and all colleagues from close and far away is slowly approaching. On June 28th we welcome again everybody to join us for the EAGLE summer event with two keynotes:...

Internship and MSc presentations

Internship and MSc presentations

On Thursday, May 23rd, we will have a range of very interesting internship, innovation lab and M.Sc. idea presentations (10 am, OKW 86, room 0.004): Sebastian Buchelt (Internship Presentation): "Assessment of classification algorithms on the example of sea ice - why...

M.Sc. defense by Julia Sauerbrey

M.Sc. defense by Julia Sauerbrey

Julia Sauerbrey will defend her M.Sc. "Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery: Time-Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Detection of Active Morphodynamics: A Case Study in the Atacama Desert, Chile" on Thursday 9th of May at 10am in room...

EAGLE students preparing for ESA LPS 2019

EAGLE students preparing for ESA LPS 2019

our EAGLE students are organizing a joint trip and accommodation to the ESA LPS symposium in Milan and are currently preparing all other things such as business cards. They are very much looking forward to many highly interesting presentations and to meet diverse...

check out the news blog by our students

check out the news blog by our students

Our EAGLE students are posting various news about their activities, experiences or codes they developed. Read about their past years within the EAGLE program, their participation in international remote sensing conferences or what they achieved within EAGLE courses....