Master Defense: Towards a quantitative terrain-based avalanche size classification: a case study based on Avalanche Modelling Atlas Thalweg data

On September 18, Magdalena Fischer will present her master thesis ” Towards a quantitative terrain-based avalanche size classification: a case study based on Avalanche Modelling Atlas Thalweg data” at 13:00 in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a.


From the abstract:

This thesis develops and applies a statistical analysis of geodata in order to classify thalwegs as representation of all potential avalanche events within one path. It provides an analysis for spa- tial thalweg characteristics derived from geometric data based on terrain features as well as for intensity thalweg characteristics by incorporating the energy conservation principles. The data- set used as basis for the quantitative classification scale is derived from the Avalanche Modelling Atlas, a database hosted by the Austrian Research Center for Forests (BFW) and includes thal- weg data from multiple sources. To analyse the data in a statistical and quantitative manner the avalanche framework AvaFrame was extended. Thereby, known formulas and calculations were adapted and have been implemented into the corresponding tools of the open source framework.


1st supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tobias Ullmann


2nd supervisor: PD Dr. Jan-Thomas Fischer, Institut für Naturgefahren Bundesforschungszentrum für Wald (BFW)



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