MSc idea and inno lab presentations

On Friday 11th of March from 10am onwards the following students will introduce their MSc idea or report on their innovation laboratory:

Kemeng Liu (MSc idea): “Mapping Spatial-Temporal Developments of Coastal Aquaculture” supervised by Tobias Ullmann

Antonio Castaneda (MSc idea): “Potential and limits of using UAS in forest monitoring” supervised by Martin Wegmann

Kevin Kazer Tchatchoua Yomi (inno lab): “Evaluating fire metrics characteristics in a context of political unrest: A study case of Borno State, Nigeria.” supervised by Michael Thiel

Camilo Zamora (inno lab): “Research Experience at MLU” supervised by Michael Thiel

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EAGLE workshop on Earth Observation application

EAGLE workshop on Earth Observation application

Our first EAGLE workshop on Earth Observation applications covered various topics. After a heartily welcome by Tobias Ullmann did more than 50 participants listen to the following talks:     Ása Aðalsteinsdóttir: “SAR Monitoring in Iceland”     Katrin Wernicke:...

DGPF award for our EAGLE MSc Luisa Wagner

DGPF award for our EAGLE MSc Luisa Wagner

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High alpine and snow training

High alpine and snow training

In collaboration with the German Alpine Club (DAV), Laura, one of our EAGLE students and Clara, a student assistant at our institute, recently participated in avalanche rescue training aimed at equipping individuals with essential skills and knowledge to respond...