Our EAGLE 2020 generation

Our new EAGLE Earth Observation students arrived and we took a group picture while keeping the required distance due to the current situation. Unfortunately not all students could arrive on time for the group picture and hence cannot be seen on the image below. We are very much looking forward to the current semester and will manage the challenges as good as we can.


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High alpine and snow training

High alpine and snow training

In collaboration with the German Alpine Club (DAV), Laura, one of our EAGLE students and Clara, a student assistant at our institute, recently participated in avalanche rescue training aimed at equipping individuals with essential skills and knowledge to respond...

semester wrap-up by our latest EAGLE generation

semester wrap-up by our latest EAGLE generation

Our latest generation of EAGLEs just wrote a nice blog post summarizing their first months within the EAGLE program, outlining how they bonded and formed a group plus how they experienced their first earth observation courses within our international M.Sc. program:...