Spatial Analysis for Geology



Hartwig Frimmel





Modern exploration for georesources is based on the spatial quantification of all those geological parameters relevant to the formation of mineral deposits. The students will obtain knowledge of the methods that can be applied to the formulation of mineral potential maps for a given region.



Mineral deposits are considered products of complex mineral systems, which can be described by a number of parameters that vary in space and time. Various methods of spatially quantifying these parameters and integrating them into mineral potential maps will be discussed and applied with the help of conventional GIS software.



Coding examples and individual work will be covered


Various software programs will be used, but mainly OpenSource software such as R.


Different techniques will be introduced and practically applied.



The content of scientific with regard to the audience will be discussed.

General Course News and Updates

EAGLE Internships

EAGLE Internships

On Monday, 24th of September, at 1pm the following internship reports will be presented: Bharath: "Installation and Characterization of an imaging Spectrometer for the UAV-based remote sensing" Johannes: "Crop classification based on S1/S2 in...

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EAGLE students coding with sweets

EAGLE students coding with sweets

Today our EAGLE students applied data munging, pipes, plotting and statistics using colour distribution of sweets. They specifically used the dplyr, ggplot, kableExtra and others to compute derivatives, rearrange the data, plot it and run statistics on colour...

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