Land and Water Management



Michael Thiel





The module addresses methods on how Earth Observation and the use of geoinformation can support different fields of land and water management. The students will be guided to gain knowledge in selected practical examples.



A general introduction on the subject, which strongly integrates large fields of environmental sciences and studies, is given. The students select topics in which remote sensing and geoinformation can significantly contribute parameters for answering relevant management questions. The topics include the derivation and use of parameters for monitoring land and/or water resources and examples how they can actually implemented in analytical or predictive models, or in indicator systems. The examples may include the management of the resources in rangelands, croplands, irrigation and drainage systems, river catchments, urban areas, or others. Focus may be set on special geographical settings. Depending on the selected topics and scale relevant Earth Observation parameters can include land cover and land use mapping, biophysical variables (LAI/FPAR/Chlorophyll, evapotranspiration , etc.), biomass or crop yields, soil moisture, phenological metrics and other dynamic parameters.



Coding examples and individual work will be covered


Various software programs will be used, but mainly OpenSource software such as R.


Different techniques will be introduced and practically applied.


The content of scientific with regard to the audience will be discussed.

General Course News and Updates

social bouldering event

social bouldering event

Last Friday did we organize again a social event for all staff members and EAGLEs to get to know the new students, meet and chat with old students and just have a nice time outside the office for all staff members. We spend 4 hours together in the Rock In boulder gym...

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Master Defense: Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis” at 12:00 seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a.

Master Defense: Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis” at 12:00 seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a.

On October 29, 2024 Subarno Shankar will present his master thesis " Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis" at 12:00 seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract: Climate...

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Welcome of new EAGLEs

Welcome of new EAGLEs

The EAGLEs from the last generation welcomed our new earth observation students to the EAGLE M.Sc. program and gave them a glimpse of their last 12 months - from coding to socialising, pub crawls to joint hikes and also a lot of best wishes from all the other EAGLEs...

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Summer School of Alpine Research

Summer School of Alpine Research

Last week, Laura, an 8th gen EAGLE Student, participated in the Summer School of Alpine Research, conducted by the University of Innsbruck, in the beautiful location of the Austrian Oetztal in Obergurgl. The focus of the Summer School was on Close Range Sensing...

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EAGLE M.Sc. thesis in the Arctic

EAGLE M.Sc. thesis in the Arctic

Our EAGLE student Ronja Seitz is conducting her field work for her Master thesis in the Arctic, on Svalbard. She started collecting her data in June to build up a timeseries with UAS multispectral data to investigate disturbances like rain on snow (ROS) events and...

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