Applications of Earth Observation



Jakob Schwalb-Willmann





In this lecture you will gain a broad overview of the applications of remote sensing. Examples from different disciplines and applied Earth Observation projects will provide your with a comprehensive understanding of if, where and how remote sensing can contribute to qualitative and quantitative assessments of the cryosphere, forest ecosystems, agro-ecosystems, the coastal zone and urban ecosystems; amongst others. We will evaluate the potential of passive and active sensor systems and adress the advantages and shortcomings of existing sensors in the optical / mutlsispectral, thermal and microwave domain.


This lecture provides knowledge on applications of Earth Observation with a focus on remote sensing of the land surface. Which research questions of different disciplines can be answered by the means of Earth Observation? What are the main approaches? The module links up remote sensing measurements to geo- and biophysical parameters required for further geoanalysis. Commonly used methodological approaches for the derivation of the different parameters are presented. Examples include amongst others applications in geography, environmental planning, ecology, biology, oceanology, soil science, geology, atmospheric science, but also e.g. pollution control (monitoring) and natural resource management. In addition, the module outlines selected examples, how remote sensing technology can be transferred to the workplace of professionals also beyond science, e.g. via the use of geoinformation systems.

General Course News and Updates

MSc Defense by Nora Nieskens

MSc Defense by Nora Nieskens

MsC Defense by Nora Nieskens On Friday, September 08, 2023 at 11 a.m. Nora Nieskens will present her Msc Thesis “Estuaries in transition: Earth observation-based analysis of the turbidity dynamics in selected North Sea estuaries” in room 00.B.09 in John-Skilton-Str....

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MSc defense by Vanessa Rittlinger

MSc defense by Vanessa Rittlinger

On Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Vanessa Rittllinger will present her master thesis on “Detection of landslides in space and time using optical remote sensing data – A case study in South Tyrol” in the conference room 01.B.03 in John-Skilton-Str. 4a/1st...

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After a long break due to covid we resumed the EAGLE visit of DLR EOC. Many EAGLEs from the current generation and quite some of the past (covid) generations joined this event and listened to many talks by DLR researchers. Some of the presenters were even former...

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Social event in the boulder gym

Social event in the boulder gym

Last week we spend a few hours in the boulder hall to enjoy a day without courses, do some climbing and have plenty of time to chat. Many EAGLEs from the current and old generations joint us as well as many lecturer. Beside the social event we also collected Lidar...

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MSc defense Caroline Busse

MSc defense Caroline Busse

On Tuesday 22nd of November at 1pm we will have the MSc thesis defense by Caroline on "Change Detection using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Time Series: A Comparison of Models for the Detection of Forest Disturbances." from the abstract: "Forests provide essential...

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New EAGLE Earth Observation professors

New EAGLE Earth Observation professors

We are very happy to welcome two new professors within the EAGLE M.Sc. program! Prof. Dr. Hannes Taubenböck and Prof. Dr. Tobias Ullmann will strengthen the urban remote sensing and radar earth observation within the EAGLE program. Various new courses are already...

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MSc defense by Larissa Gorzawski

MSc defense by Larissa Gorzawski

On Wednesday 5th of October at 2pm Larissa will present her M.Sc. thesis "Deep transfer learning on street-level imagery for classification of seismic building types in Lima, Peru". From the abstract: "Comprehensive exposure models for seismic risk assessment require...

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