Science from wall to wall - from proposal to publication


Hannes Taubenboeck
and colleagues





Managing scientific projects as well as project proposals and developing them towards successful science is a common task for scientists as well as practitioner. In this course different approaches will be introduced and discussed.


Research does mean much more than identifying crucial research question, finding appropriate data, developing algorithms and deriving new findings. While this course will contain all mentioned issues it will beyond highlight the challenges for raising money for research, writing proposals, building up networks, writing papers and doing presentations. All topics will be introduced by the examples of currently running research projects.



General Course News and Updates

M.Sc. defense by Julia Sauerbrey

M.Sc. defense by Julia Sauerbrey

Julia Sauerbrey will defend her M.Sc. "Integration of SAR and Optical Satellite Imagery: Time-Series Analysis of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery for Detection of Active Morphodynamics: A Case Study in the Atacama Desert, Chile" on Thursday 9th of May at 10am in room...

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EAGLE students preparing for ESA LPS 2019

EAGLE students preparing for ESA LPS 2019

our EAGLE students are organizing a joint trip and accommodation to the ESA LPS symposium in Milan and are currently preparing all other things such as business cards. They are very much looking forward to many highly interesting presentations and to meet diverse...

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check out the news blog by our students

check out the news blog by our students

Our EAGLE students are posting various news about their activities, experiences or codes they developed. Read about their past years within the EAGLE program, their participation in international remote sensing conferences or what they achieved within EAGLE courses....

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M.Sc. defense of Sarah Nolting

M.Sc. defense of Sarah Nolting

Sarah Nolting will defend her M.Sc. thesis "Risk Assessment for Flood Events based on Geo- and Socioeconomic Data – A Case Study for North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany" on Wednesday 27th 2pm in room 0.004 OKW 86. from her abstract: "The world’s population has doubled...

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M.Sc. defense by Johannes Löw

M.Sc. defense by Johannes Löw

You are all invited to join the M.Sc. presentation by Johannes Löw. He will defend his M.Sc. thesis on Wednesday 20th of March at 2pm in room 0.004 in OKW 86. from his abstract:Since Sentinel-1 A and B have become fully operational, it is now possible to generate...

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