Scientific Presentations



Martin Wegmann





The students will learn to design scientifically relevant presentations.

Presentations, approaches and layouts as well as programs will be discussed with regard to its scientific content and goal to ensure high quality presentations and dissemination of relevant information.



Visual scientific presentation skills will be taught. Existing presentations will be discussed and evaluated with regard to visual appearance, scientific content and dissemination. Moreover design and appearance of presentations and poster will be discussed and guidelines provided. Individual training of presentations using a variety of programs will be part of it as well. Alternative presentation methods will be introduced (e.g. knitr, beamer).



Visual as well as coding approaches for presentations are covered


Various software programs will be used, but mainly R with knitr, markdown, slidify etc. or Latex Beamer


Different visualisation, oral presentation as well as preparation techniques will be introduced and practically applied.



Theoretical and practical background of scientific presentations and their underlying assumptions and software are covered

General Course News and Updates

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publication by our EAGLE Ben Lee

Our EAGLE Ben conducted an internship during his EAGLE studies which led to a new publication on "Predicting resilience of migratory birds to environmental change" jointly with the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Section Polar...

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