Scientific Graphics



Martin Wegmann





Designing scientific graphics that provide all necessary information without being too packed, focusing on the essential message and being able to actually create such graphics will be covered In this class. All necessary tools and and approaches to create adequate figures and maps will be covered.



figure from the book “Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists” by Wegmann, Leutner and Dech, created with tikz

General guidelines of scientific graphics and maps will be covered based on e.g. Tufte and followed by practical implementation of graphic ideas, as well as critical evaluation of the results. Only open source program will be used such as R or tikz/pgf and students will have the opportunity to work specifically on certain scientific graphics or maps using e.g. ggplot2 and explore the potential and limits of good scientific graphs. Good map designs will be discussed as well and common mistakes will be pointed out. After this course you will be capable to create your own graphics for a specific scientific purpose e.g. your M.Sc. thesis.



Coding examples and individual work will be covered


Various software programs will be used, such as R or tikz/pgf


Different visualization techniques will be introduced and practically applied.


The goal of scientific graphics with regard to the audience will be discussed.

General Course News and Updates

EAGLE Internships

EAGLE Internships

On Monday, 24th of September, at 1pm the following internship reports will be presented: Bharath: "Installation and Characterization of an imaging Spectrometer for the UAV-based remote sensing" Johannes: "Crop classification based on S1/S2 in...

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EAGLE students coding with sweets

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