Selected Topics in Earth


Tobias Ullmann





Students deepen their knowledge in the use of remotely sensed data on selected topics, and/or on various methods and applications.



In this module, selected established and new applications and research topics in the field of Earth observation and remote sensing will be presented and discussed. Different methodological approaches and/or thematic aspects will be addressed.

General Course News and Updates

scientific graphics course

scientific graphics course

Beside the various remote sensing courses such as radar, cloud computing, terrain analysis, urban analysis etc. we do also offer courses on softskills such as scientific writing, presentations as well scientific graphics and maps. Within our scientific graphics course...

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publication by our EAGLE Ben Lee

publication by our EAGLE Ben Lee

Our EAGLE Ben conducted an internship during his EAGLE studies which led to a new publication on "Predicting resilience of migratory birds to environmental change" jointly with the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Section Polar...

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