Remote Sensing of Urban Areas


Hannes Taubenböck
Henri Dubray





Aim of this course is to provide you with an overview on geographic processes of urbanization, the related demographic and structural changes of cities, and data analyses methods using remote sensing data for applications in urban geography.


Humankind is within its largest migration ever: from rural areas into cities. The drivers of this global process of urbanization from demographic to economic and the related  structural changes cities are facing will be discussed in this course. Remote sensing is one crucial data source in this dynamic transformation and its products are highly relevant for urban planning, as well as environmental management. Within this course different approaches and techniques are covered focusing on deriving relevant information about urbanized areas on different levels of detail. Uni-temporal-, multi-temporal-, and time series based image classification, segmentation, the analyses of point patterns, GIS analyses to assess spatial context and dependencies, as well as analyses in the 3D domain will be addressed in this course. This will be done providing and discussing example applications from different regions globally (e.g. urban sprawl analysis of megacities, the development of new dimensions of urban landscapes such as mega-regions, the rearrangement of business districts within the urban landscape, etc.). You will learn what capabilities Earth observation data, methods and products have for urban research and applications and how to design remote sensing based urban analysis, how to avoid caveats, troubleshoot errors and interpret the results.

General Course News and Updates

Welcome of the 2019 EAGLEs

Welcome of the 2019 EAGLEs

On Monday, 14th of October, at 4 p.m., we will again welcome a new generation of EAGLEs (Z6, 01.002). After the official welcome and some introductory presentations, we will also introduce the lecturer and provide first details about the upcoming semester(s)....

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M.Sc. presentation by Johni Miah

M.Sc. presentation by Johni Miah

Johni Miah will present his M.Sc. thesis " Detecting and Assessing Ground Subsidence of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Data of Sentinel-1" on September 30th at 2pm in OKW 86. From the abstract: " The identification and measurement of ground...

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M.Sc. defense by Louis Freytag Loringhoven

M.Sc. defense by Louis Freytag Loringhoven

On Tuesday, 24th at 2pm Louis Freytag-Loringhoven will present his M.Sc. thesis "Remote sensing of water quality using Sentinel-2 towards a potential separation of Cyanobacteria blooms from other Algae." from the abstract: Globally, the over-enrichment of nutrients...

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M.Sc. thesis presentation by Karsten Wiertz

M.Sc. thesis presentation by Karsten Wiertz

Karsten Wiertz will present his M.Sc. thesis on Wednesday 14th at 11am in room 0.004 KW 86 with the title "Development of a semi-automatic remote sensing approach for change- detection of forest structures in Bialowieza Forest." From the abstract: The diversity of...

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M.Sc. thesis defense by Sebastian Roersch

M.Sc. thesis defense by Sebastian Roersch

Sebastian Roersch will defend his thesis "Development of a semi-automated method to measure solar potential" next Wednesday (14th) at 10 am in 0.004 OKW 86. From his abstract: "In the second half of the 21st century, it will be decided how big the impact of climate...

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M.Sc. presentation by Marina Reiter

M.Sc. presentation by Marina Reiter

Marina Reiter will present her M.Sc. thesis "Comparing Urban Green Spaces in German Cities Using Remote Sensing Data" on Thursday 8th of August at 11am in OKW 86, 0.004. Looking forward to a great presentation and lively discussion afterwards. From her abstract: "The...

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M.Sc. defense by Bharath Selvaraj

M.Sc. defense by Bharath Selvaraj

Bharath Selvaraj will defend his M.Sc. thesis on August 8th at 10am in room 0.004. From the abstract of his thesis: "Over the centuries, humanity made immeasurable progress in both technological innovation and medicine. This progress comes at the cost of environmental...

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