


external, but a lecturer of the EAGLE study program as point of contact





Experience in an internship at a research institute, a NGO, IGO or company the real-life application of Earth Observation for specific tasks are highly important to increase your remote sensing skills. In addition, developing, preparing and organizing internships and the tasks independently is important for later tasks.



The internship can cover a variety of topics depending on the host institution. Applications of remote sensing data in (among others) land and water management, conservation, exploration, energy provision, administration, or policy should be learned. Its daily usage and challenges should be explored, as well as the processing, or specialised application of remote sensing products and the related challenges.  Internships need to be organized by the students, but a lecturer will supervise the internship. The lecturer will provide access to his/her network in order to ease the application process and the learning outcome.

After the internship, the internships aims and outcome will be presented to fellow students and the lecturers. The background of the hosting institution as well as the aim of their internship, their work during the internship as well as the outcome ought to be covered. Moreover, the students are encouraged to provide insights into the respective internship in order to help fellow students to gain a better understanding of the hosting organization and to support them in finding a suitable internship.

The work during the internship as well as the outcome should be covered by this presentation. Moreover the students are encouraged to provide valuable insights into the respective internship in order to help fellow students to gain a better understanding of the hosting organization and to support them in finding a suitable internship.

For internships the students are encouraged to take advantage of the global EAGLE network to apply for internship. It should be noted that the partners are not obliged to accept you as intern. The costs are also not necessarily covered by the partners.

Two internship (aka Inno Lab) for 2 months are mandatory, doing more internships is possible. 

Internship News and Updates

inno lab and MSc idea presentation

inno lab and MSc idea presentation

Next Tuesday, April 27th, at 10am the following EAGLE students will present their Innovation Laboratory work and their MSc thesis idea: Sandro Groth: "PortalAdminTools: A Python-based programming interface for Esri Enterprise infrastructures" (InnoLab with ESRI)Sandro...

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internship presentations

internship presentations

On Monday March 1st at 10am the following internships will be presented:  Marius Witt, Baby it's cold outside - Interning at DLRs Polar Team, internship at DLR. Jakob Wachter, Potential use cases of a self established database for social media data, internship at...

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Internship presentations

Internship presentations

On Thursday 30th at 10 am the following EAGLE students will present their internships or inno labs: Tobias Gutzmann: 'Aerial Image Analysis for WW2 Warfare Material Detection' at Luftbilddatenbank Henrik Fisser: 'Sentinel-2 Truck Detection - Sensing Trade from Space...

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