Remote Sensing of Urban Areas


Hannes Taubenböck
Henri Dubray





Aim of this course is to provide you with an overview on geographic processes of urbanization, the related demographic and structural changes of cities, and data analyses methods using remote sensing data for applications in urban geography.


Humankind is within its largest migration ever: from rural areas into cities. The drivers of this global process of urbanization from demographic to economic and the related  structural changes cities are facing will be discussed in this course. Remote sensing is one crucial data source in this dynamic transformation and its products are highly relevant for urban planning, as well as environmental management. Within this course different approaches and techniques are covered focusing on deriving relevant information about urbanized areas on different levels of detail. Uni-temporal-, multi-temporal-, and time series based image classification, segmentation, the analyses of point patterns, GIS analyses to assess spatial context and dependencies, as well as analyses in the 3D domain will be addressed in this course. This will be done providing and discussing example applications from different regions globally (e.g. urban sprawl analysis of megacities, the development of new dimensions of urban landscapes such as mega-regions, the rearrangement of business districts within the urban landscape, etc.). You will learn what capabilities Earth observation data, methods and products have for urban research and applications and how to design remote sensing based urban analysis, how to avoid caveats, troubleshoot errors and interpret the results.

General Course News and Updates

social bouldering event

social bouldering event

Last Friday did we organize again a social event for all staff members and EAGLEs to get to know the new students, meet and chat with old students and just have a nice time outside the office for all staff members. We spend 4 hours together in the Rock In boulder gym...

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Master Defense: Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis” at 12:00 seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a.

Master Defense: Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis” at 12:00 seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a.

On October 29, 2024 Subarno Shankar will present his master thesis " Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis" at 12:00 seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract: Climate...

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Welcome of new EAGLEs

Welcome of new EAGLEs

The EAGLEs from the last generation welcomed our new earth observation students to the EAGLE M.Sc. program and gave them a glimpse of their last 12 months - from coding to socialising, pub crawls to joint hikes and also a lot of best wishes from all the other EAGLEs...

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Summer School of Alpine Research

Summer School of Alpine Research

Last week, Laura, an 8th gen EAGLE Student, participated in the Summer School of Alpine Research, conducted by the University of Innsbruck, in the beautiful location of the Austrian Oetztal in Obergurgl. The focus of the Summer School was on Close Range Sensing...

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EAGLE M.Sc. thesis in the Arctic

EAGLE M.Sc. thesis in the Arctic

Our EAGLE student Ronja Seitz is conducting her field work for her Master thesis in the Arctic, on Svalbard. She started collecting her data in June to build up a timeseries with UAS multispectral data to investigate disturbances like rain on snow (ROS) events and...

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