Internship Report by Luis David Almeida Famada

Internship Report by Luis David Almeida Famada

On Tuesday, January 23rd at 12:00 a.m. Luis David Almeida Famada will present his internship report at DLR ” “Land Use and Resource Management” Hosting Institution: DLR – Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Supervisors: Dr. Soner Üreyen,...
MSc defense by Joy Giovanni Matabishi

MSc defense by Joy Giovanni Matabishi

On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 12 a.m Joy-Giovanni Matabishi will present his Msc Thesis “Modelling Bat Distribution and Diversity with Artificial light as a Focal Predictor in South Tyrol” in the seminar room 3 in John-Skilton-Str. 4a/ground floor. Modelling Bat...