EAGLE 8th generation – first course by Claudia Kuenzer

EAGLE 8th generation – first course by Claudia Kuenzer

Our new EAGLEs just spend the whole week learning about all Earth Observation sensors, physics of remote sensing, newest advances and upcoming methods in earth observation. Beside the lecture and getting to know all these crucial information they also had plenty of...
welcome of new EAGLE generation

welcome of new EAGLE generation

Today we welcomed the new generation of Earth Observation EAGLE students and are happy to see such a diverse and highly motivated group of students again. Students from Nepal, India, Ruanda or Turkey joint our study program among many other countries and already in...
EAGLE MSc students working in the Arctic

EAGLE MSc students working in the Arctic

From August to November, two EAGLE students had the opportunity to do their internship at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), working in the department of Arctic Biology. Their tasks included regular drone flights in Adventdalen, a valley close to the world’s...
MSc defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

MSc defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

On October 06, 2023, Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei (Sanaz) successfully defended her master’s thesis entitled “Short-term forecast of water reservoir dynamics by integrating earth observation and hydrological modeling for dam management” at the Earth Observation Research...
MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei

MSc Defense by Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei On Friday, October 09, 2023, at 10 a.m. Narges Mohammadi Khoshouei will present her MSc thesis “Short-term forecast of water reservoir dynamics by integrating earth observation and hydrological modeling for dam...