Summer School of Alpine Research

Summer School of Alpine Research

Last week, Laura, an 8th gen EAGLE Student, participated in the Summer School of Alpine Research, conducted by the University of Innsbruck, in the beautiful location of the Austrian Oetztal in Obergurgl. The focus of the Summer School was on Close Range Sensing...
EAGLE M.Sc. thesis in the Arctic

EAGLE M.Sc. thesis in the Arctic

Our EAGLE student Ronja Seitz is conducting her field work for her Master thesis in the Arctic, on Svalbard. She started collecting her data in June to build up a timeseries with UAS multispectral data to investigate disturbances like rain on snow (ROS) events and...
Our EAGLE Clara is doing her internship in the Arctic

Our EAGLE Clara is doing her internship in the Arctic

Clara, an 8th gen EAGLE, is currently doing her internship in the Arctic. She spends 2 months in Longyearbyen on Svalbard where she works with colleagues from UNIS who are already collaborating with our EORC scientists, namely Dr. Bevanda. Clara works at the Arctic...
EAGLE summer dialogue

EAGLE summer dialogue

Our annual EAGLE summer dialogue was a great success again even though the weather was quite challenging. The EAGLEs organized a fantastic event with fun activities, great images reviving the last months and years and of course a BBQ, drinks and an outstanding...