EAGLE MSc. graduation

We are very happy to celebrate again the graduation of some of our EAGLE M.Sc. students. The candidates already handed in their M.Sc. thesis a while ago but just recently we had our EAGLE graduation party and enjoyed to celebrate this important milestone with all graduates and current EAGLEs.
The presentations this time were:
• Ása Aðalsteinsdóttir: “SAR Monitoring in Iceland” • Katrin Wernicke: „Mapping Refugee Camps with DL” • Malin Fischer: „From EAGLE to International Development” • Ka Hei Chow: “Mapping Global Aboveground Biomass using DL” • Luisa Wagner: “Ice Shelf Dynamics – from Observation to Modelling” • Dilara Kim: “Snowlines from space: observing Central Asian glaciers” • Magdalena Halbgewachs: “Working at the center of Satellised Based Crisis Information” • Vanessa Rittlinger: “Detection of Georisks in Space and Time”
Our EAGLE graduates are now working in various organizations form research organizations to companies – doing their PhD or aiming at a career at UN-FAO, DLR or EURAC.

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Integrating R and Whitebox Tools for Geospatial Analysis

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