Christian Geiss

risk assessment, natural hazard research


Christian is with the team “Modeling and geostatistical analysis” at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He worked on several topics related to renewable energy, earthquake risk assessment, and methods for remote sensing data processing. His current research interests include techniques of multimodal remote sensing, machine learning, and pattern recognition, specifically applied to the field of natural hazard risk research.


Dr. Christian Geiss, DLR-EOC

Recent News

Winter term 2017 is about to start

Winter term 2017 is about to start

While the "old" EAGLEs are spending their 3rd term doing internships or innovation laboratories in Italy, Portugal, Poland or Burkina Faso at various research organizations or companies, the new EAGLEs for the winter term 2017/2018 will be welcomed next week. The...

Remote Sensing in Ecology

Remote Sensing in Ecology

The EAGLE course "Remote Sensing in Biodiversity and Conservation Science" took place in the last week of the summer term at the field research station in Fabrik Schleichach, Steigerwald. 20 biology and EAGLE students worked and lived together for one week and...

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final course presentations

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First EAGLE Midsummer Dialogue

First EAGLE Midsummer Dialogue

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application deadline in 7 days

The application deadline for the upcoming winter term is approaching. Apply within the next 7 days here: - application deadline is May 15th, further details about needed documents are listed on the application page. Learn within EAGLE...

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news coverage of one of our students in the University press

news coverage of one of our students in the University press

One of our students, Pilar Endara, was interviewed by the news team of the University of Würzburg. She talked about her background, the reasons why she studied in Germany, her experiences and her plans for the future. Moreover her reasons why she studies EAGLE and her...