Marius is a scientific assistant researcher at the remote sensing department in Würzburg. He is currently working on his PhD thesis with a focus on the global distribution and dynamics of permafrost regions. His technical expertise includes working with the programming language R, Google Earth Engine, as well as dealing with diverse data sets ranging from optical, SAR and LiDAR.
- Cloud-computing using GEE
- Permafrost Remote Sensing

Recent News
Winter term 2017 is about to start
While the "old" EAGLEs are spending their 3rd term doing internships or innovation laboratories in Italy, Portugal, Poland or Burkina Faso at various research organizations or companies, the new EAGLEs for the winter term 2017/2018 will be welcomed next week. The...
final course presentations
Our EAGLE students had to present their work as posters, reports or oral presentations at the end of the summer term and could show impressive achievements and results of small research projects.Some impressions of their oral and poster presentations can...
First EAGLE Midsummer Dialogue
Beside participants from the University of Wuerzburg and the DLR, also many colleagues from companies and a variety of national and international research institutions joined this event. The midsummer dialogue was organized by the EAGLE students. The students were...
application deadline in 7 days
The application deadline for the upcoming winter term is approaching. Apply within the next 7 days here: http://eagle-science.org/apply - application deadline is May 15th, further details about needed documents are listed on the application page. Learn within EAGLE...
application deadline for winter term 2017 is approaching
Applications for the EAGLE M.Sc. program are accepted until May 15th 2017 for the next winter term. The next application deadline will be only next year, again on May 15th 2018. You need the following documents for your application: a cover letter stating your...
EAGLE students webpage is now online
Our EAGLE students setup their own webpage at http://students.eagle-science.org! Read about their background, motivation and expectations concerning the EAGLE M.Sc. study program. Moreover, the EAGLE students will post news about ongoing social as well as scientific...
EAGLE is part of the Copernicus Academy Network
We are happy to receive the notification that the EAGLE training program is endorsed by the Copernicus Academy Network. This network aims to foster the use and benefits of Copernicus. The EAGLE program applied within the DLR and University Wuerzburg network to be part...
EAGLE students visit DLR-EOC
Our EAGLE 2016 students visited the DLR-EOC last Friday and got a very good overview of the work done by the scientists at DLR. Many different topics were covered and nearly all applications of applied earth observation research done at DLR-EOC were presented. ...
EAGLE news on DLR website
Our young EAGLEs are covered by the DLR news section! The news article covers the background of the EAGLE M.Sc. program and welcomes our new students. Great to see that our colleagues at DLR are looking forward to meet the new EAGLEs and are eager to have them as...
The 2016 EAGLEs
Our EAGLEs in 2016: Johannes Löw. Sarah Nolting, Marcus Groll, Bharath Selvaraj, Sebastian Roersch, Ahmed Saadallah, Marina Reiter, Pilar Endara Pinillos, Sazu Shahjahan, Ahmed Fowad, Jakob Schwalb-Willmann, Julia Sauerbrey, Louis Freytag, Karten Wiertz, Kamrul Islam...