In this seminar, we cover most aspects of remote sensing based assessment of Land Surface Dynamics. Topics such as snow cover dynamics, water body dynamics, forest cover and further vegetation dynamics, urbanization dynamics, coastal dynamics, or dynamics of geophysical parameters such as land surface temperature or selected indices will be addressed. In this contexts we look at opportunities arising from optical-, multi-spectral- and radar sensors, as well as thermal imagery. Data availability and access, as well as typical software tools for the handling of multispectral data or time-series analyses will be addressed as well. The course will consist of a theoretical part and a practical part, where the theory consists of a seminar (written seminar and presentation on a topic to be chosen from a list of available topics), and where the practical will consist of data processing examples.
Topics cover most aspects of remote sensing based assessment of Land Surface Dynamics. Topics such as snow cover dynamics, water body dynamics, forest cover and further vegetation dynamics, urbanization dynamics, coastal dynamics, or dynamics of geophysical parameters such as land surface temperature or selected indices will be addressed. We adress questions such as climate change induced shifts of snow or rainy seasons, look at patterns of forest loss and degradation over time, analyze urbanization patterns and impacts of these processes on the natural environment, and assess changes in coastal morphology. Sensors in focus will be the ones allowing for long time series analyses, such as AVHRR, MODIS, ENVISAT, Landsat, TerraSAR-X, and the Sentinel Satellites.
General Course News and Updates
scientific graphics course
Beside the various remote sensing courses such as radar, cloud computing, terrain analysis, urban analysis etc. we do also offer courses on softskills such as scientific writing, presentations as well scientific graphics and maps. Within our scientific graphics course...
EAGLE students introduce locust spatio-temporal modeling
Our EAGLE students Leonie, Sonja and Clara presented methods to model the spatial and temporal distribution of locust in France using statistical modelling approaches within R and the flexSDM package. The elaborated for two hours how the complex data preparation,...
Internship Presentation: Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis on July 09, 2024
On Tuesday, July 09, Subarno Shankar will present his internship " Discovering Hydrographic Parameters of HydroSHEDS and TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model through Exploratory Data Analysis " at 12:00 in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract: Climate...
Master Thesis Presentation: Earth Observation for Wildlife Monitoring in cold and polar Regions – A Review and a Case Study about the Northern Bald Ibis on June 11, 2024
On Tuesday, June 11 , Helena Wehner will defend her master thesis " Earth Observation for Wildlife Monitoring in cold and polar Regions – A Review and a Case Study about the Northern Bald Ibis" at 13:00 in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract:...
Master Thesis Presentation: Analysis of Urban Heat Development in Dresden, Germany using Landsat Data from the Past Decade
On Tuesday, May 28, Ina Schulz will defend her master thesis " Analysis of urban heat development in Dresden, Germany using Landsat data from the past decade" at 12:00 in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract: As the number of urban residents is...
Master Thesis Presentation: Modelling LAI of Alpine Grassland on June 11, 2024
On Tuesday, June 11 , Caroline Göhner will defend her master thesis " Modelling LAI of Alpine Grassland" at 12:00 in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. From the abstract: Alpine grasslands are crucial ecosystem providers and one of the most threatened terrestrial...
Internship Report on Tuesday, May 21st at 12:00
NEW DATE: On Tuesday, May 21st, Elly Schmid will present her internship at 12:00 in seminar room 3, John-Skilton-Str. 4a. : From the abstract: The internship was carried out as part of the HEATS-(Urban heat) Project of the Georisks team at the Earth Observation...
Spatial Earth Observation R packages by our EAGLEs
Our EAGLE students that took and passed our Introduction to spatial programming course had to submit an R package that applies spatial methods for a variety of Earth Observation data. We are very proud to show the huge diversity of very interesting and useful R...
publication by our EAGLE Ben Lee
Our EAGLE Ben conducted an internship during his EAGLE studies which led to a new publication on "Predicting resilience of migratory birds to environmental change" jointly with the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Section Polar...
EAGLE student Konstantin Müller completed an internship at IRIDeS in Japan
Our EAGLE M.Sc. student Konstantin Müller successfully completed a three-month internship at The International Research Institute for Disaster Science (IRIDeS) in Japan. IRIDeS is a leading institute dedicated to advancing research and understanding in the field of...